Vanilla Custard Filled Cupcakes

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Now before you click away thinking, 'I am not going to spend an hour filling cupcakes with custard! Is she crazy?' Well yes, yes I am but hold your horses because these cupcakes are not only cheap but they taste expensive and they are also very easy and quick to make with the custard baked right into them. This means that there is no need for messy icing and are fabulous packed in school lunches or shoved in your bag for work. In order to keep this cheap and easy, I recommend a budget butter cake mix and budget custard powder. No-name, Homebrand, whatever floats your boat. It doesn't really matter as the end product is fabulous and everyone will think you have been baking your little heart out ;)

  • 1 x cheap butter cake mix
  • 60 grams of room temperature butter
  • 2/3 of a cup of milk
  • 2 x eggs
For the Custard Filling:
  • 2 tblsp of cheap vanilla custard powder
  • 2 tblsp of white sugar
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence (optional)

  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line a 12 hole patty pan with papers.
  2. Make the custard filling by mixing the custard powder, sugar, milk and vanilla (if including) and stir over medium heat until the mixture comes to a boil. Reduce heat and continue to stir for 30 seconds, remove from heat and leave aside.
  3. Prepare cake mix by beating together the butter cake mix, soft butter, milk and eggs for two minutes.
  4. Place a dessert spoon of cake batter in each patty paper then top with 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of custard filling. Finish with another dessertspoon of cake batter over custard in each patty paper.
  5. Bake in oven for around 15 minutes or until cakes spring back when lightly touch. 
  6. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely and dust with icing sugar or cakes can be cooled a little and served warm. (Makes 12 very yummy cupcakes)


Rebecca Parsons said...

Going to try this tommorrow for my bf who luuurrvvves Custard & Cakes!

Rebecca Parsons said...

I used a basic vanilla cupcake recipe and used Ambrosia ready made custard in a carton for the middle, They turned out DELICIOUS! and everyone in the family can get enough of them :)

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